Hack4Values met with French Minister Jean-Noël Barrot to discuss the recognition of the status of ethical hackers.
On June 13, 2023, we had the chance to meet with French Minister Jean-Noël Barrot, thanks to the unconditional support of Senate Vice-President Nathalie Delattre. The meeting was an opportunity to discuss Hack4Values’ missions and the recognition of the status of ethical hackers.
There were discussions and concrete proposals for :
- Strengthen the status of “ethical hackers” under French law, in particular a legal framework, which would ensure legal protection for ethical hackers, but also offer guarantees to companies, NGOs or associations.
- Develop a solid digital trust in the associative world through the work of ethical hackers. Recognize ethical hacking as a gift to associations and NGOs.
On the first point, the Minister has agreed to receive our proposed amendments to the draft law on military programming for the years 2024 to 2030 and the draft law on Securing and Regulating the Digital Space (SREN). Discussions are underway on the second point.
The exchanges and the Minister’s interest were very positive, and Senate Vice-President Nathalie Delattre supports Hack4Values.
Now would be a good time to ask you if your respective advocacy could assist us in testifying and supporting these actions with political decision-makers — governments and parliamentarians. If so, feel free to contact us.